This project is an offshoot from Dr. Roel M. Ocampo’s Mindanao Connectivity project entitled "Trans-Mindanao Network Links for Advanced Computing (TNALAC),” wherein a Technical Working Group (TWG) was created to look into the feasibility of the said proposal. One of the recommendations of the TWG is to come-up with a baseline data towards digital transformation of HEIs piloting the Mindanao SUCs.
Digital transformation is intricately linked to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, wherein digital technologies profoundly shape society's future and drive economic development (Kaputa et al., 2022). This continuous progression of technology necessitates a constant evolution of workforce skills, which need to be updated more frequently than ever before. However, conventional higher education models need to help equip individuals with the skills required to meet the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and enhance the competitiveness of the Philippines (Hall, 2018). Despite the TNALAC project, the CHED Smart Campus Development Program (Fernandez, 2022), and other similar and related projects, the success of HEIs in Mindanao in digital transformation still needs to be discovered.
Digital transformation is at the top of many leaders' minds (Luo & Wee, 2021). The leaders of HEIs in Mindanao are no exception. But what are the practical measures to achieve success in digital transformation? According to Luo & Wee (2021), it begins with understanding one's current position in the digital transformation journey. For this reason, the current project is conducted to describe and understand better the state of the digital transformation journey of HEIs in Mindanao.
Aware of the many changes in different industries and society due to rapid technological advancements, it becomes imperative for HEIs in Mindanao to embrace digital transformation so they can respond effectively to the needs of their students, faculty, and other stakeholders in their community. In connection, the current project is an effort geared toward helping them (HEIs in Mindanao) to have baseline data to serve as their reference point when formulating their digital transformation strategies.
Another reason for conceptualizing the current project is to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The project is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Group's commitment to the principle of "leave no one behind" (LNOB), which is a core transformative principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UN Sustainable Development Group, 2023). In particular, the project is consistent with the United Nations Development Programme's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 and 9. SDG 4, which focuses on Quality Education, reinforces the conviction that education is one of the most potent and established catalysts for sustainable development. It seeks to ensure that all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary schooling by 2030, provide equal access to affordable vocational training, eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to quality higher education. SDG 9, which addresses Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, recognizes the significance of investing in infrastructure and fostering innovation to enhance economic growth and advancement. It seeks to ensure equal access to information and knowledge and foster innovation and entrepreneurship (United Nations Development Programme, 2023).
Furthermore, the current project is conducted to support President Marcos' 8-Point Socioeconomic Agenda (Department of Budget and Management, 2022) and the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028 (Department of Finance, 2022), which are designed to meet the needs of the Ambisyon Natin 2040. The AmBisyon Natin 2040 represents the Filipino people's long-term vision and aspirations for themselves and the country in the next 25 years. It describes the kind of life Filipinos want and how the country will be by 2040 (National Economic and Development Authority, 2016).
Finally, the conceptualization of the current project is also driven by the REDI for FIRe Framework, a joint project of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Regional Office XI, the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) XI, and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) XI, that urges HEIs to avail of the remarkable opportunities brought by technology and encourages HEIs to undergo a paradigm shift from traditional to contemporary (Commission on Higher Education Regional Office XI, 2022).
For those reasons mentioned above, the current project recognizes the need for HEIs in Mindanao, Philippine Government Agencies, and the country to embrace digital transformation. As a result, the project is conducted to mainly support the digital transformation of HEIs in Mindanao by providing them with baseline data to use as the basis for their strategic digital transformation initiatives. To do so, the project develops a conceptual framework sensitive to the context of the digital transformation of HEIs in Mindanao. The framework serves as a guide for the digital transformation of the HEIs and the development of the survey tool for the digital transformation of HEIs. Coming after the framework, the project creates and validates a survey tool to assess the state of digital transformation of HEIs in Mindanao and their progress in each stage of the digital transformation. With the survey tool, the project collects and analyzes data on the digital transformation of HEIs and shares the data with the participating HEIs to guide them in formulating concept proposals for the digital transformation of their respective HEIs.